Exhibits at the Vernon Museum

Current Exhibits

Permanent Exhibits

In addition to feature, traveling, and pop-up exhibits, the MAV has a series of old favourites.

Virtual Exhibits

Vernon Serves

Remembering the men & women who have served Canada in war & peace.

Pandemic – A Short History

A history of community outbreaks, epidemics, & pandemics in the North Okanagan.

Repatriation of Indigenous Collections

The Museum & Archives of Vernon has over 1200 Indigenous cultural objects and 1500 archival documents. These Indigenous belongings originated from Nations within the Okanagan, along the coast, from the prairies and even the United States. They include beadwork, sculpture, baskets, stone tools, and photographs. Many are poorly documented, and likely misidentified, taken by collectors decades ago.

In 2021, the MAV signed on to the British Columbia Museum Association’s Call to Action, a pledge to return all human remains and grave goods.

As part of this pledge, the MAV is currently completing a draft of its new repatriation policy. This repatriation policy does not just address human remains and grave goods, but all Indigenous belongings, and any supporting documents in our database. It will include a guide for Indigenous Nations and individuals who wish to know more about our collection and start their repatriation process. This draft will be shared with the community and changed based on feedback from our partners and host nation, the Okanagan Indian Band / Syilx People.

If you have any questions or feedback on repatriation at the Museum & Archives of Vernon please contact us at mail@vernonmuseum.ca. Also, follow us on social media for any updates about repatriation.