Lancasters and Lanyards



Lancasters and Lanyards: Memoirs of Chief Superintendent Jack Denison Routledge (D.F.C.) Royal Canadian Mounted Police The memoirs of Chief Superintendent Jack Denison Routledge. As a rear gunner following his training in Canada and England, Routledge joined a crew in Scotland and remained with them for 3 years in Bomber Command’s raids on Germany and Italy and laying sea mines in the German shipping lanes. After the crew completed their first thirty trips with 49 Squadron (R.A.F.), they returned for a second tour with 405 Squadron (R.C.A.F.) of the famed Pathfinder bombing Group. Routledge spent the night of his twentieth birthday at 18,000 feet over the infamous Nuremburg where Bomber Command suffered its highest losses in one night. During the war he was decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross. Repatriation brought disillusionment. Failure of his business venture left him at loose ends. His marriage to his childhood friend and enlistment in the B.C. Provincial Police and then into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police gave his post war life a purpose and contentment. After over thirty years he retired with a notable record. He was appointed Chairman of the Driver Control Board for the Alberta Provincial Government where he served for five years and then eventual retirement after over 40 years of working.