The blue stream motel with vintage cars parked in front

The Blue Stream Motel

On August 27, 2024, the Blue Stream Motel on Vernon’s Highway 97 was severely damaged…

Armstrong Cheese

Cold snowy weather calls for comfort food like pizza, and what would pizza be without…

Hitchcock’s Cafe

Did you know that Vernon’s first confectionary shop would be 115 years old if it…

The Vernon Hotel

Don’t worry, you’re not seeing double. There was a point in Vernon’s history when the…

Jacques Jewellers

“The Pioneer Jeweller of the Okanagan” is how F. B. Jacques is described in the…

Winter Funeral Parlors

William George Winter, a funeral director born in Birmingham, England, came to Vernon in 1936,…

Post Office Clock

In 1912, Vernon opened a beautiful new post office complete with a British-made clock tower…

Vernon in Spring

Today is the first day of spring (finally, some might add). Spring has long been…

King’s Bakery

It was once the largest independent bakery in the B.C. Interior. During its operation in…