The Museum & Archives of Vernon is currently in the process of reviewing their school programs.
Please check back as this page will be updated shortly. For questions, contact mail@vernonmuseum.ca.
Our Living Languages: First People’s Voices in BC
Self-Guided Field Trips
Between October 2023 and May 2024, the MAV is pleased to welcome schools for a viewing of their feature traveling exhibit, Our Living Languages: First People’s Voices in BC.
The visit to the exhibit is entirely self-guided and can be modified by the teachers and their aids to suit the students and their current learnings. Click here for some educational resources about the exhibit that can help guide the visit.
Visits can be booked during the following one-hour time slots:
Wednesdays: 1:00 to 2:00 pm Thursdays: 9:15 to 10:15 am, 10:30 to 11:30 am, and 1:00 to 2:00 pm Fridays: 9:15 to 10:15 am, and 10:30 to 11:30 am
For more information and to book a visit, please contact mail@vernonmuseum.ca.
Kindergarten to Grade 1
Curricular Competencies
- Make exploratory observations using their senses.
- Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world.
- Adaptations of local plants and animals
- Names of local plants and animals
- Structural features of living things in the local environment
Guiding Question: What features or traits do local animals have to survive?
Explore the local animals through the artifacts in the animal features kit: Black Bear, Eagle, Moose, Mountain Lion, etc.
They can then explore the natural history section guided by a scavenger hunt or graphic organizer.
Grade 2-3
Curricular competencies
- Sort and classify data and information using drawings, pictographs and provided tables.
- Observe objects and events in familiar contexts.
- Metamorphic and non-metamorphic life cycles of different organisms
- Similarities and differences between offspring and parent
As a whole group watch Video on a Butterfly Life cycle: https://youtu.be/3kZD6rlSLUw?si=ww1kIZp2MhG_Vetz
Split class into 2 groups for activities 30 minutes each:
Group 1 – Butterfly Life cycle
- Kids will colour their activity sheet and paste the life cycle of a butterfly in the right order from; egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.
Group 2 – Life cycle scavenger hunt
- Kids will hunt through the natural history section for different life cycle artifacts.
Grade 4
Curricular Competencies
- Construct narratives that capture the attitudes, values, and worldviews commonly held by people at the different times or places.
- Differentiate between intended and unintended consequences of events, decisions, or developments, and speculate about alternative outcomes.
- Early contact, trade, co-operation and conflict between First Peoples and European Peoples
- The fur trade in pre-confederation Canada and British Columbia
Video to explain fur trade and made beaver system https://youtu.be/JGoVlgcT6tM?si=cerJTkaKVqyRsiVa
Items to explore: Beaver pelt, beaver hat/clothing, sugar (old packaging), buttons, knives, combs, kettle, beads, archives record of traded items.
Game: Divide the class into 2 groups – those with beaver pelts to trade and those with European trade items (laminated cards of items)
- Students with the beaver pelt cards will be trying to get the most amount of goods for their pelts.
- Students with trade item cards will be trying to give the least amount of goods for the pelts.
Once students have agreed upon a trade agreement, they will record their trade agreement and they can check against the trade record to see if their trade agreement resembles that of the 1800s.
https:/ /www.hbcheritage.ca/history/fur-trade/standard-of-trade